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You too, adopt the spirit

#climatekeepers !

Logo du Label Bas-Carbone
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Carbonapp est un opérateur de projets de contribution carbone indépendant qui développe des projets français dans les meilleurs standards existants comme le Label bas-carbone, créé par le ministère de la Transition écologique et de la Cohésion des territoires, dans tous les secteurs : vergers, grandes cultures, élevage bovin, forestiers, haies, rénovation bâtimentaire, construction bio-sourcée, viticulture...

la contribution carbone locale et volontaire

L'offre Carbonapp

Financeurs, contribuez aujourd'hui
au monde de demain

Project leaders,sustainably transform our territories

  • Full support the financing of your project, from its eligibility to the verification of your carbon credits

  • Use ofbest standards Andmethodologies adapted to your project

  • Valorization of your projects on our web platform and social networks

  • Possibility of financingup to 100% of your project

  • Are you innovating?Benefit from our French and international information monitoring to find the standard that suits you

Porteurs de projets, transformez durablement nos territoires

Financiers, contribute today

to the world of tomorrow

  • A tailor-made support in your climate transition approach

  • A wide choice of projects multi-sector local Andadapted to all your needs

  • An innovative and personalized platform to help you identify, finance And to follow evolution of your projects

  • Projects with strong co-benefits social, economic and environmental

  • Of the photo and video reports projects that you wish to finance or to which you have contributed

Pourquoi nous choisir
Image vectorielle décorative d'une feuille d'arbre

Our key figures

Featured partners

Why choose Carbonapp?

Champ de blé

They trust us

Nos références
Image vectorielle décorative d'une feuille d'arbre
Notre équpe
Image vectorielle décorative d'une feuille d'arbre

Our team of experts, based in Paris and Rennes, offers you atailor-made support, from the definition of your carbon contribution strategy to the monitoring and audits of your projects, including scientific and financial engineering and the communication of your results.


Our team has significant know-how in measuring the carbon footprint: life cycle assessments and analyses, using recognized and certifying methodologies such asISO 14067,ISO 14040,GHG Protocol. And for long-term support, we are used to working on current trajectory benchmarks such as theSBTi and its variationSBTI Flag, or even theNetZeroInitiative.


  • Our carbon engineering teamis made up of agronomic, forestry and building engineers, with experience in design offices and certification bodies. A high level of remote availability but also in the field, in carrying out projects.She always maintains a close link with our sales team and our account managers, serving both the financier and the project leader.


  • Our IT and communications team brings tech skills to interface our web platform with other SaaS tools, whether for monitoring projects using satellite views, or even data traceability using blockchain. His journalistic and audiovisual production skills allow impeccable communication of all your projects.

Share your desires or projects with us,

we look forward to hearing from you! 

Pictogramme de silhouette humaine

Faites partie de la famille Carbonapp

Nicolas Ferriere


Operational manager

Paul Bonan



Gaultier Bernard


General manager

Isabelle Kouamo

Operations Manager

Clément Garin

Project Manager

carbon contribution

Goulven Kersante


carbon contribution

Didier Girard

Commercial director

Arnaud Sacleux

Audiovisual project manager

Paul-Antoine Arsène

Full stack developer


Operations Manager

Bulle Garnier


decarbonization engineer

Yvann Luraine

Sales apprentice

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Chargé de prescription


Full stack developer

1 rue de Montfort, 35000 Rennes

Carbonapp développe des projets de contribution carbone et ambitionne de bâtir le plus grand réseau multisectoriel de sourcing et de labellisation de projets bas-carbone français. Sa plateforme permet d'identifier, de choisir et de suivre les meilleurs projets de contribution carbone.

Son objectif : permettre aux entreprises et collectivités territoriales d'atteindre l'exemplarité climatique grâce au dispositif de la contribution carbone, en complément des actions d’évitement et de réduction de l'impact à la source. 

Logo d'INFCC

Need more information about carbon offsetting ? Visit the site:  Info Compensation Carbone

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